Should You Ban Electronics at Your Wedding Ceremony"

Electronics bans at events (like weddings!) have actually become a trend in the last few years. There are even some artists who don’t allow them at their shows. Why would musicians care if their audience used their phones" Possibly for the same reason you don’t want people to have phones or cameras at your wedding: they’re a distraction. But are electronics a big enough distraction for you to put an absolute ban for the ceremony and are there other reasons a couple might tell guests to leave their phone at home"
Getting in a Professional Photographer’s Way
Here’s the problem with all your guests snapping shots of you on their phones and cameras: you’ve paid someone a lot of money to do that already. That professional wedding photographer or videographer is not going to be happy when your Great Aunt Mildred holds up her iPad right in the middle of their shot. This kind of situation is one of photographer’s biggest complaints when it comes to wedding etiquette. They don’t feel they’re able to give you the best captures and service when wedding guests get in their way and it can make their job a lot more frustrating. In fact, there are some wedding photographers who offer a discounted rate if you decide to go ahead with an electronics ban. So there’s a monetary perk to be considered here as well.
It’s a Wedding, Enjoy It!
There’s nothing wrong with asking guests to just enjoy themselves. We get...
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Boho Pins: Halloween Wedding Ideas
31-10-2024 06:17 - (
weddings )